LOST: May 2015

LOST: May 2015

In May 2015, a total of twenty (20) demolition permits were applied for in Arlington County. Fifteen (15) are for single-family homes, two (2) are part for a major site redevelopment in the Courthouse area, and the remaining three (3) are for a detached garage (two are duplicate) and a swimming pool (4300 Old Dominion Drive).

South Arlington had two residential demolition permits while North Arlington accounted for 13 of the permits. Five of the properties are in National Register Historic Districts, one each in:

  • Overlee Knolls/Fostoria National Register Historic District (5918 14th Street North),
  • Aurora Highlands National Register Historic District (2500 South Fern Street),
  • Arlington Forest National Register Historic District (234 North Galveston Street),
  • Columbia Forest National Register Historic District (1106 South Emerson Street), and,
  • Lyon Park National Register Historic District (2500 Washington Boulevard).

At least 7 of the 15 single-family demolition permits were for speculative developments.

Totals for 2015
Homes: 87
– 22 are located in National Register Historic Districts
– 52 are speculative developments (owned by developers)

Commercial buildings: 2

The looming demolition of these houses and buildings represents an incredible loss of history, architecture, time, energy, and materials. Many had the potential for renovation and additions or, at a bare minimum, reclamation/reuse of building materials. These buildings are often replaced with new construction that is out of scale and proportion to the community. Preservation Arlington urges citizens to adopt Local Historic District designations for their communities, with standards for design, height, and placement that could be customized to reflect community needs while still allowing reinvestment to occur.

Similarly, if you are a property owner and are contemplating a change to your property, Preservation Arlington encourages you to work with your architect or builder to consider how some or all of your house or building could be incorporated into a renovation, or the materials reused.


4 thoughts on “LOST: May 2015

  1. I read your blog on the Sears home that was relocated. Can any of these homes be sold and relocated instead of demolished?

    1. The one Sear House which was relocated (Randolph Street) was only moved 10-15 feet. The one which was offered up “For Free” in December 2013 is probably a better barometer of what can and cannot happen. The costs to move that house escalated for every powerline or phone/cable line which had to be raised and lowered for the house to be moved. It was then suggested to take the roof off the house, thus lowering the height and allowing it to just clear most of the wires. However, in that case, once moved the house would required “substantial renovation” and need to be brought up to current code. It just became too expensive as the distance increased.

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